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Sarah & Alandra - Read by Eleanor

Excerpts from the fictional books: The Most Singular Adventures of Sarah Lloyd, and Alandra Varinia - read by the author Eleanor Berry. Set in Ireland and London, they combine the political, with the supernatural, and Eleanor's signature black humour.

The congregation (attending Olive Verno's funeral), was about to sing From Greenland's Icy Mountains. Alan's and Kelvin's heads turned round so abruptly that they almost cricked their necks. They shared an alertness which had been instilled in them by their streetwise lifestyles, and heard better than average. Other members of the congregation enjoyed reasonable enough hearing to recognise the bleat of a mobile telephone. It made a bizarre, alien noise, competing with Olive Vernon's favourite hymn. The first few bars of Für Elise sounded as if they were being played on a cheap tin whistle, and were heard piping in the background of the hymn. It was apparent that this was coming directly from Eddy Vernon. He showed no signs of embarrassment, but of naked fear, like that on the face of a man whose wife is about to give birth.

The Sequel



The story of Sarah Lloyd, an attention-seeking young woman from a wealthy newspaper family based in London. She falls in love with Seamus - despite his secret other life. Sarah's life is blighted by her jealous boss, Dr Blenkinsop.



In the sequel, we meet Alandra Varinia Saunderson, the illegitimate daughter of Sarah Lloyd and Seamus O'Rafferty. Alandra works in a bank in Camberwell for the manager, who is a dirty old man. She spends her spare time trying to trace the whereabouts of her half-siblings.


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